1- How can I track the status of submitted Manuscript?

Check the status of your article in journal website using your ID in the website or send an email to JIPM.

2- At the initial submission stage, which files should be uploaded?

Original file of the manuscript, the authors' information, the letter of commitment and the conflict of interest form.

3- How long does it take to review an article?

It takes 4 to 8 months to receive the acceptance letter (in the case of acceptance).

4- When do I get the acceptance letter?

After submitting the revised manuscript, the editor in chief & reviewers will check your replies to their comments within specified time according to journal, if confirmed, you are asked to send the articles in press form, then the acceptance letter is sent to you.

5.Is it possible to add or remove author/authors?

The number and sequence of the authors is as specified in the letter of commitment, and the request to remove or add the names of the authors can be considered before the review process (with the request of all the authors and mentioning the reason).